Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Out of all the pieces I have done, this one was probably the most painful. I based this off abuse. Mental abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse. All of it. The most painful part of being in an abusive situation is that you have to be quiet. At least, in my experience. The fear of speaking out. I wrote quotes that I have personally heard. the part I had most trouble with is the hand. The bricks were my favorite part.

Distant Hills

This piece was inspired after a long night just chilling outside, looking at the stars.I painted my entire canvas with a metallic blue to give it some shine. After my entire canvas was blue, I mixed the metallic blue with a mix of black and purple to make it look like its fading in darkness. Afterwords, I sprinkled and splattered glow in the dark white paint in for the stars and moon glow off the hills. I feel like I could have done more with this piece, and will do some touch ups. I would like to add some more detail to the hills and maybe add a moon. In all, I am rather happy with this piece. It was a lot of fun to do. I would have done the stars a little differently. I moved the canvas while it was still wet and ended up dripping some of the paint.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Constant Falling

I based this piece on Disney 52's Alice in Wonderland. My goal was to have her look emaciated and bloodied as she falls into a never ending pit. I had a lot of fun working on this piece. The most difficult part was getting Alice's left hand to make it look like she is reaching up at you. I painted the swirls first, then went crazy with the splatter paint, then painted Alice. Not my favorite piece, but, I still really like it.

Saints Row your Boat

While buying supplies at my local Hobby Lobby, I came across this Mermaid. I could hear her calling to me, so I bought her and have her a nice home. Now, I originally wanted to give her tail a green tint, but, after so many tries, she continued to look like Disney's Little Mermaid. I finally decided to base her off of my Saint's Row character, and I have to admit, I am happy I picked red instead of green for the tail. I used an luminescent medium to go over all the paint so she had a glittery finish. It was difficult not getting paint anywhere on her. What I would have done differently was tape off sections of her instead of just going at it.

Tango in Moonlight

 Tigers, to me, mean so much. I think of them and I think of strength, protection, and love. Just... I mean come on. Look at this. Tiger's are amazing. I started off with a dark purple background, then I got black paint on my hand and mixed it all over. I then painted the Tiger, being very careful to make him look perfect. Once everything has dried, I taped off the tiger and and splattered the stars. I named it Tango in Moonlight because of how much of an inspiration TangoBlkCat is to me. Tango is an amazing artist with a huge inpact to me, and has helped me through so many hard times. No matter how hard I try, I cannot express how much this person means to me.